
cherries: health benefits and drawbacks

cherries: health benefits and drawbacks
cherries: health benefits and drawbacks

cherries: Know all for a good use

cherries bird fruit is a spherical, oval or heart-shaped drupe with a juicy sweet and sour pericarp. The color of the berries can range from pale yellow to dark burgundy, almost black. The plant’s fruits fully ripen in late June to mid-July.

Most often, the sweet cherry is eaten raw. In the kitchen, the berries of this plant are used to make jams, wine, preserves, fruit juice, baking fillings and confectionery. In addition, the ripe cherry fruits are dried and frozen.

Cherries its nutritional and vitamin contents :

Cherries:Nutritional value 100 g :

  • 85, 612 g water;
  • 10,573 g carbohydrates ;
  • 0,356 g fat;
  • 1,074 g protein;
  • 1,089 g fiber;
  • 0.577 g organic acids;
  • 0.466 g ash;
  • 0.092 g starch, dextrins;
  • 10.412 g of sugars;
  • 0.021 g of omega-3 fatty acids;
  • 0.026 g of omega-6 fatty acids.

Cherries: The value of available vitamins per 100 g

  • B6, pyridoxine – 0, 043 mg ;
  • C, ascorbic acid – 6,562 mg ;
  • B4, choline – 6,034 mg ;
  • K, phyllo quinone – 2,078 mg ;
  • B1, thiamine – 0, 024 mg ;
  • A, retinol equivalent – 2,784 mg ;
  • B5, pantothenic acid – 0.194 mg;
  • PP, niacin equivalent – 0.152 mg;
  • B9, folate – 3,572 mg ;
  • E, tocopherol equivalent – 0.667 mg ;
  • B2, riboflavin – 0.031 mg.

Cherries : Trace elements in 100 g

  •  Iron – 0, 347 mg ;
  •  Copper – 59,021 mg ;
  • Fluorine – 1.919 mg;
  • Zinc – 0, 062 mg ;
  • Manganese – 0.063 mg.

Macronutrients in 100 g of sweet cherries:

  • Potassium – 221, 981 mg;
  • Magnesium – 10,593 mg;
  • Phosphorus – 20,043 mg;
  • Calcium – 12,883 mg.

Calories of cherry

In 100 g of fresh or frozen cherries contains 52 101 kcals. The average weight of the berries of this plant is 8 g. Thus, the energy value of a fruit is 4 168 kcals.
100 g of cherry jam contains 242, 408 kcals.
The calorie content of 100 g of compote made from bird cherry is 28,744 kcals, the juice is 51,656 kcals, the wine is 84,323 kcals. In 100 g of dried cherries contains 248 639 kcals.

Benefits of cherries

Reduce blood clotting:

  • Contain coumarins which reduce blood clotting and prevent clots.

Treats iron deficiency anemia:

  • Rich source of iron. When iron deficiency anemia is useful to eat 200-300 grams of berries per day.

improves gastrointestinal motility and increases appetite:

  • They contain compounds that improve gastrointestinal motility and increase appetite. The berries are quickly digested without overloading the digestive system.

Effective cough suppressant:

  • Hot cherry compote, boiled without sugar, is an effective cough suppressant. The drink helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum, facilitates its flow.

Treats vitamin deficiencies:

  • Bird cherry fruit – a reserve of vitamins, useful micro and macro elements. Regular consumption of them for food, it is possible to avoid vitamin deficiency.

Regulates the heart rhythm:

  • The potassium and other substances that enter the human body when eating cherries strengthen the heart muscle, strengthen and reinforce the blood vessel walls and regulate the heart rhythm. This significantly reduces the risk of developing heart problems.

Good blood pressure regulators:

  • Avian cherries contain blood pressure regulating compounds. In case of high or low blood pressure, it is useful to eat a handful of ripe fruit daily.

Diuretic and decongestant:

  • In traditional medicine, cherry juice and pressed fruit juice is used as a diuretic and decongestant.

Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood:

  • The brown fruits of the cherry tree contain substances that reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. This considerably reduces the risk of atherosclerosis

Relieves pain from gout, arthritis and rheumatism:

  • Healers advise using cherries to relieve pain from gout, arthritis and rheumatism. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the crushed fruits of the plant are spread on plastic wrap and a compress is applied to the affected area for 2-3 hours.

Helps to get rid of diarrhea:

  • Avian cherry juice has astringent properties. This drink helps to get rid of diarrhea.

Accelerates the metabolism and prevents the development of exchange failures:

  • Sweet cherry includes nutrients that accelerate the metabolism and prevent the occurrence of exchange failures.

Good for people suffering from heartburn:

  • Unlike cherries, cherries do not cause heartburn in people suffering from duodenal or stomach ulcer, gastritis.

Cure spastic colitis:

  • The juice of sweet cherry is used for healing spastic colitis – an inflammation of the tissues of the large intestine, accompanied by spasms. For therapeutic purposes, take 3 spoonfuls of this drink daily.

Reduce the risk of nervous system dysfunction:

  • The B vitamins and other nutrients present in bird cherry berries reduce the risk of nervous system dysfunction. People who regularly include cherries in their menu tolerate stress and psycho-emotional upheavals more easily and rarely face manifestations of depression and insomnia.

Weaken the risk of developing connective tissue and joint diseases:

  • Cherry contains nutrients that activate the production of collagen in the body. Regular consumption of these berries helps to improve skin condition and reduce the risk of developing connective tissue and joint diseases.

Alleviates the unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis and eczema:

  • Sweet cherry helps to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis and eczema. Pureed berries spread on the affected area of the body for 20 minutes, then washed off. The procedure is repeated once every 12 hours.

Useful for inflammatory diseases of internal organs:

  • Avian cherries contain compounds with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Therefore, dishes prepared from the fruits of this plant are useful for people suffering from inflammatory diseases of internal organs.

Minimizes the risk of tumor neoplasms and slows the aging process:

  • Cherries are rich in polyphenols, the most powerful antioxidant compounds of plant origin. Studies show that with their regular entry into the body, they reduce the risk of tumor neoplasms, thus slowing the aging process.

Strengthens the liver and kidneys:

  • Bird cherries are rich in nutrients that boost the liver and kidneys.

Accelerates the elimination of poisons from the body:

  • Bird cherries contain substances that accelerate the elimination of poisons, radioactive substances and toxins from the body.

Helps the body to recover more quickly:

  • Bird cherries have tonic properties. The introduction of its fruits into the diet helps the body to recover more quickly after illnesses, operations, intense physical effort, mental fatigue.

Contraindications and damages for sweet cherries

  • Avian cherries can trigger allergies. Nutritionists do not recommend including them in the diet of children under 1 year old and people prone to developing allergic reactions.
  • Sweet cherries are contraindicated for people who have had adhesions in the intestine.
  • The abuse of cherries can cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, people with diabetes should be cautious when including the berries of this plant in their diet.
  • With moderate consumption, bird cherry helps in weight loss. At the same time, abuse of the fruits of this plant can contribute to excess weight gain.
  • Consuming more than 300g of fruit at a time can cause bloating and diarrhea.

Written by Rogers

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