
Health after 50, 15 secrets to a longer-lasting body

Maintaining good health after 50
Maintaining good health after 50

for a good health after 50 years here are 15 secrets to respect

To maintain good health after 50, make a few small changes to your daily routine and you’ll dazzle your life. Focus on these 15 ways to stay healthier


Physical inactivity is one of the most common risk factors for men of all ages leading dangerously inactive lives. Even light exercise (20 minutes a day) can do a lot of good, especially if you faithfully do the exercises needed to regain endurance, strength, balance and flexibility.

2-Eat right good health after 50

Consuming fish once a week can reduce the risk of death from cardiac arrest. Eating well, in addition to cutting fat, also requires knowing the difference between good and bad fats, paying attention to the varieties and proportions of foods eaten, creating a habit of good food choices (the most difficult for most people). Although eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day can reduce the risk of cancer by 20%, less than 40% of older people do so. Poor nutritional habits can’t be changed overnight, but you can be successful if you gradually improve your diet. Start by making these 13 dietary changes to be in great shape by age 40.

3- Supplement your diet:

One of the best ways to slow down the clock is to get enough antioxidants from vitamins C and E and beta-carotene.
Want to stay young? You should also be aware of other supplements such as vitamin B12 (since deficiencies of this nutrient, common in people over 60, can lead to dementia and memory loss) and calcium, which not only guards against osteoporosis, but also helps prevent the most common types of stroke.

4- Watch your weight:

Obesity, in the majority lead to serious health problems and shorten your life. Even 4 to 8 kilos too much can put you at unnecessary risk, especially if they have settled around your abdomen. Your metabolism slows down as you age: you don’t burn calories like you used to. So you need to decrease your portions or increase your exercise, or do both.

5- Talk to your doctor :

Your doctor can be your best ally in preventing health problems. Get your blood pressure checked once a year and you can prevent serious cardiovascular or kidney problems. You can also avoid pneumonia – one of the most deadly diseases among older Canadians – with the pneumococcal vaccine. Annual flu shots also help prevent the complications that can accompany the flu. You’ll never regret getting early detection of cancer or diabetes, when they can still be treated. Your doctor can be your best ally in preventing health problems.

6- Being good for your bones:

70% of hip fractures are related to osteoporosis. Make sure you know the risks and preventative measures for your hips. Women, don’t wait until menopause to face the risk of osteoporosis. At least ten years before menopause, you start to lose bone density. Get enough calcium and vitamin D every day, stop smoking and exercise. As menopause approaches, discuss hormone therapy with your doctor. Men are not immune to osteoporosis: at age 70 or 80, the risk can be just as great.

7- Avoid tobacco and smoke:

Heart disease, cancer and stroke account for one in two deaths these days, smoking is surely the cause. No matter how many times you fail to quit, you need to quit smoking and the next time may be the right time if you have help. In fact, the chances of success are better after age 65. As for second-hand smoke, you should know that staying in smoky rooms can shorten your life. Breathing in second-hand smoke for an hour is like smoking several cigarettes.

8- Health after 50 Be careful with your medications:

As you get older, you may need to take different medications. The problem with “poly-pharmacy” is the increased risk of interactions between the drugs themselves, drugs and food, or alcohol, or herbs.
Did you know that Tylenol taken with alcohol can harm the liver? That one in four cases of impotence can be due to the side effects of medications? That as you get older, the effect of your medication becomes more pronounced and you may need to reduce your dosage?So be careful.

9- Avoid stress:

Age you are going to experience new types of stress. You may have more responsibilities at work or have to care for elderly parents. Retirement may not be what you expected, or you may feel lonely after your partner dies. Chronic stress increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, poor digestion and even memory loss. Find out how to manage your stress so you can live longer.

10- Avoid accidents and falls:

First of all, drive safely and wear your seatbelt. Men between the ages of 55 and 64 are twice as likely to die in a car accident as women of the same age. When driving, the risk increases with vision or hearing problems and slower reflexes. Around the house, clear areas to avoid falls and do exercises to improve your equilibrium.

11- Think young:

To keep your energy up, stay alive and break old habits. Find a passion and stick with it: volunteer, try new recipes, start a vegetable garden, adopt a pet. Challenge your mind: learn new things, which can stimulate new connections in your brain. Play bridge, do a challenging crossword puzzle, join a book club, learn pottery or music.

12- Keep your teeth white:

If you want to keep your teeth, visit the dentist regularly and have your teeth cleaned at least once or twice a year. Flossing and brushing daily are an important part of prevention: a gum infection can spread and infect your heart, which could shorten your life by years.

13- Get enough sleep:

Restorative sleep can get away from you over time. Yet, it is essential for proper aging. Sleep has been linked to a healthy immune system and cardiovascular health. Knowing your sleep habits and how to preserve its valuable assets can add to the quality and years of your life. Also learn how to restore your mind and body by practicing regular relaxation.

14- Avoid alcohol consumption:

Even without being a very heavy drinker or alcohol-dependent, alcohol consumption has an influence on the development of numerous pathologies: cancers, cardiovascular and digestive diseases, diseases of the nervous system and psychological disorders… Alcohol can also be the cause of more banal problems (fatigue, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, memory or concentration problems, etc.).

15- Keep your social connections:

The latest medical findings show the importance of staying connected to family and friends, young and old. A social network helps to extend life, reduce the need to see a doctor and stay in the hospital. If you are well connected, you are more likely to overcome illness, stress and emotional problems – and you will enjoy life more. The more contact you have, daily or weekly, the better off you will be.

Written by Rogers

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